'We will repeat October 7 again and again' - Hamas official

December 18, 2023

"Israel is a country that has no place on our land," Hamas official Ghazi Hamad told Lebanese news outlet LBCI news this week, according to a report and translation from the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) released on Wednesday. Hamas Official Ghazi Hamad: We Will Repeat the October 7 Attack Time and Again Until Israel Is Annihilated; We Are Victims - Everything We Do Is Justified #Hamas #Gaza #Palestinians pic.twitter.com/kXu3U0BtAP — MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) November 1, 2023"We must teach Israel a lesson, and we will do this again and again. Ghazi Hamad. Hamad on the BBCLast week, Hamad stormed out of an interview with the BBC after he was asked about the terrorist group’s massacre of civilians in Israel on October 7. During the interview, Hamad reiterated claims made starting a few days after the massacre that Hamas did not intend to kill any civilians during its assault.