Trump received at least $7.8 million in payments from foreign governments as president, House Democrats say

January 05, 2024

Former U.S. President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at the fall convention of the California Republican Party in Anaheim, California, September 29, 2023. Mike Blake | ReutersWASHINGTON — Former President Donald Trump received at least $7.8 million in payments from foreign governments during two of his four years in the White House, according to a report released Thursday by Democrats on the House Oversight Committee. At least 20 foreign governments made the payments to Trump's businesses during the two-year period that the committee was able to review. Trump also received payments from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, India and Afghanistan, the report said. Ranking member of the House Oversight Committee Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) speaks during a media briefing concerning former President Donald Trump's business ties with foreign governments, on Capitol Hill January 4, 2024 in Washington, DC.