'Netanyahu prepared to quit in return for Israel-Saudi peace deal'

October 18, 2023

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday denied ultra-Orthodox reports he was preparing for the collapse of his government in return for a US-backed normalization deal with Saudi Arabia. The prime minister is reportedly committed to "making any deal with the Saudis possible, even at the price of toppling his own government," HaModia added. Netanyahu's Likud: Ultra-Orthodox report is a farfetched fabricationThe prime minister's Likud faction hit back against the report on Friday, stating unequivocally that that report in the ultra-Orthodox newspaper is nothing but a "farfetched fabrication." (credit: OLIVIER FITOUSSI/FLASH90)"There was never any commitment or request made to change the current make-up of the government [in relation to the normalization deal with Saudi Arabia]. "This government will fulfill its tenure regardless of the prime minister's attempts to widen Israel's circle of peace," the Likud statement read.

The source of this news is from https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-757170