Henry Kissinger, former secretary of state who shaped decades of U.S. policy, dies at 100

January 15, 2024

AP fileKissinger won the Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating the settlement that ended the Vietnam War, jointly receiving the award with Le Duc Tho of North Vietnam, who refused the honor. In the eyes of his critics, he was synonymous with the brutality of American power and some of the costliest foreign policy decisions in modern history. The two men inherited foreign policy crises — the war in Vietnam, mounting tensions with the Soviet Union — and sought to remake U.S. foreign policy according to their own geopolitical instincts and philosophies of power. Or a war criminal responsible for some of the darkest passages of Washington foreign policy? He also “blazed the trail” for former American foreign service officials to make money as consultants, whereas before they had largely disappeared into academic obscurity, Mann said.