Government welcomes university spin-out review co-chaired by Oxford’s Vice-Chancellor

November 22, 2023

Oxford’s Vice-Chancellor, Professor Irene Tracey CBE, FRS, FMedSci, co-chaired the review with Dr Andrew Williamson, Managing Partner of venture capitalist firm Cambridge Innovation Capital. The publication of the review follows eight months of extensive consultation with stakeholders involved in university spin-outs across the UK Higher Education sector. The Guide was created and launched collaboratively by venture capital firms and university tech transfer offices, including Oxford University Innovation, earlier this year. Baroness Nicola Blackwood, Chair of Oxford University Innovation, said: ‘We welcome the recommendations in the Independent Review of University Spin-out Companies and commend the depth and quality of its reporting. We are pleased that the review recognises the role of Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs) and see many opportunities for Oxford University Innovation to further develop our thriving Oxfordshire innovation ecosystem.

The source of this news is from University of Oxford