FCDO Minister meets with University of Oxford’s vaccine researchers

January 27, 2024

Mr. Mitchell met with Professor Sir Adrian Hill, whose lab designed the high efficacy R21/Matrix-MTM malaria vaccine which recently received World Health Organization (WHO) prequalification. The Minister had first-hand insight into the innovative research methodologies and cutting-edge technologies employed by Oxford researchers across several Malaria trials which are running concurrently. Minister for Development Rt Hon Andrew Mitchell MP said: “Every week, Malaria kills 10,000 children under 5 and pregnant women. “British science has invented game changing malaria vaccines which will help protect millions of people and save thousands of lives. Professor Teresa Lambe OBE, Calleva Head of Vaccine Immunology, Professor of Vaccinology & Immunology, and PSI Investigator at the Oxford Vaccine Group (OVG), said: “ We need to build on what we have learned from previous pandemics to prepare for both localised outbreaks and also more significant epidemics.

The source of this news is from University of Oxford