Burning Man mass exodus begins as mud improves

September 06, 2023

Despite organisers' urging attendees to wait 24 before leaving, thousands hit the road, making the slow 10mph journey off site, leaving behind what has been branded 'the saddest Burning Man ever'A mass exodus from the mud-drenched Burning Man festival has begun as conditions appeared to improve. Please be patient as you exit through Gate Road, and respect Burning Man staff who are working hard to make the Exodus experience as smooth and safe as possible". Justin Schuman, an actor and content creator who spent 11 days at the Burning Man festival, described the challenging conditions at the Black Rock Desert where the festival is taking place. He told CBS News : "[The mud is] really, really wet and really, really slick. I've seen a huge amount of people coming together, I have seen strangers hugging strangers, I have seen people gifting things to others."