Brutal New Poll Shows Trump Losing Big to Biden, Even With Third Party Spoiler

July 23, 2023

In the national survey of 910 voters, 47% of voters said they would definitely or probably support Biden, while just 40% said they would back Trump. 63% of voters professed to have an unfavorable view of Trump and half of voters said they would “definitely” not support Trump in 2024. According to the RealClearPolitics polling average of national primary voters, Trump leads his closest competitor, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis by nearly 33 points. “President Biden wants President Trump as an opponent because given President Biden’s poll numbers — he polls right up there with Bud Light — he thinks President Trump is the only person he can beat,” argued Kennedy. “I think the Justice Department’s going to do pretty much whatever, at the senior levels, whatever they can to make sure that President Trump is the nominee because that’s who President Biden wants.”Have a tip we should know?