Junior Researcher (M/F)_Biopolis 2023-59_Junta Extremadura

Universities and Institutes of Portugal
September 18, 2023
Offerd Salary:Negotiation
Working address:N/A
Contract Type:fixed term for an ex
Working Time:Full time
Working type:N/A
Ref info:N/A

4 Sep 2023

Job Information





Research Field

Biological sciences » Biology

Researcher Profile

Recognised Researcher (R2)



Application Deadline

18 Sep 2023 - 23:59 (Europe/Lisbon)

Type of Contract


Job Status


Hours Per Week


Offer Starting Date

1 Nov 2023

Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?

Not funded by an EU programme

Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?


Offer Description

Reference: BIOPOLIS 2023-59

Main research field: Biological Sciences

Sub research field: Environmental Biology and Ecology

1. The Board of Directors of Associação BIOPOLIS, has decided to open an international call for PhD holder researchers, under a work contract for a non-fixed term for an expect duration of 9 months. This announcement is intended to 1 (one) research position (Reference BIOPOLIS 2023-59) to pursue scientific research activities in the Collaborative Agreement between the Consejería para la Transición Ecológica y Sostenibilidad de la Junta de Extremadura and the Associação BIOPOLIS, entitled “Extremadura y la Asociación BIOPOLIS para el studio de monitorización de la biología reproductora y modelización de la probabilidad de ocurrencia de aves esteparias”, with the reference 2251999FR007, aiming at improving the basic scientific knowledge on the conservation status of steppe birds in Extremadura, by analysing breeding and population dynamics data from monitoring schemes of target species, and model their habitats. Specific tasks include: i) Monitor de population of pin-tailed sandgrouse ( Pterocles alchata ), black-bellied sandgrouse ( Pterocles orientalis ) and Eurasian stone-curlew ( Burhinus oedicnemus ) in the “La Serena y sierras periféricas” Special Protection Area; ii) model the distribution of pin-tailed sandgrouse, black-bellied sandgrouse, stone-curlew, great bustard ( Otis tarda ) and little bustard ( Tetrax tetrax ); iii) study how great bustard productivity is influenced by climate.

2. Applicable Legislation

Decree-Law no. 57/2016 of August 29th, amended by Law 57/2017 and Regulatory Decree No. 11- A / 2017 which approved the doctorate hiring regime destined to stimulate scientific and technological employment for all knowledge areas (RJEC); Portuguese Labour Code, approved by Law 7/2009 of February 12, in its actual form.

3. Pursuant to article 13 of RJEC, the tender selection panel is formed by: Dr. João Paulo Silva (Researcher at CIBIO-InBIO; President of the panel), Dr. Ana Teresa Marques (Researcher at CIBIO-InBIO), and Dr. Paulo Célio Alves (Researcher at CIBIO-InBIO).

4. The successful candidate will preferentially work at CIBIO-InBIO in Lisbon (Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Tapada da Ajuda, 1349-017 Lisboa, PORTUGAL), but there is also the possibility of working at Associação BIOPOLIS/CIBIO – Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos, Rua Padre Armando Quintas nº7 4485-661 Vairão, PORTUGAL. Visits to other collaborating labs may take place.

5.The contract will have a duration of 9 months, renewable for another 5 months, depending on available funds.

6. Monthly remuneration to be paid is that set by subheading a) nr.1 article 15 of RJEC and article nr 2 of the Regulatory Decree nr. 11-A/2017, corresponding to level 33 of the Tabela Remuneratória Única, approved by Order no. 1553-C/2008 of December 31st, i.e. 2228,11 Euros.

7. The application can be submitted by any national, foreign and stateless candidate(s) holding a doctorate degree in Biology or related areas and a scientific and professional curriculum whose profile is suited for the activity described below (item 8). In case the doctorate degree was awarded by a foreign higher education institution, it must comply with the provisions of Decree-Law no. 66/2018 of 16 October, and all formalities established therein must be complied with at the signature of work contract.

8. The tender admission general requirements are those defined in the previous point 7, and additional specific requirements are:

a) Strong background in Conservation Ecology, preferably with steppe birds;

b) Previous experience on the analysis of movement data from GPS tracked animals;

c) Experience in tracking birds with GPS technology;

c) Proven ability to use Geographic Information System and tracking/movement data or products;

d) Experience of participation in basic or applied research projects;

e) Experience of publication, as first author, of papers in indexed international scientific journals with a preference for publications in the scope steppe bird conservation.

The candidate should be able to work well within a team and have excellent English and communication skills. Furthermore, it is expected that the candidate possesses strong troubleshooting and problem-solving skills.

9. Pursuant to article 5 of RJEC, the selection is to be made based on the evaluation of the scientific and curricular career of the candidate.

10. Scientific and curricular career evaluation focuses on relevance, quality and up-to-datedness:

  • overall scientific production, and other scientific outputs considered most relevant by the candidate within the area of steppe bird ecology;
  • experience in tagging and tracking birds and in data analysis of movement data;
  • other research activities, fundamental or applied science, developed in the last five years, considered of higher impact by the candidate.
  • 11. Evaluation criteria are the following:

    The evaluation of the CV of the candidates, in particular the scientific merit and research experience will take into consideration the elements presented for the last five years of activity falling within the scope of the specific areas of the tender (see Point 1) and will be performed according to the following criteria:

    11.1 Integrated assessment of the curriculum trajectory of the candidate, based on an overview of their scientific merits, namely:

    I. overall scientific coherence of the CV – 10%

    II. diversity and quality of scientific indicators, including relevant published peer-reviewed articles in the specific areas listed in point 8 - 20%

    III. participation in basic or applied research projects, preferably in the specific areas listed in point 1 - 20%

    11.2 Relevant experience in:

    I. experience in capturing, tracking and tagging birds – 10%

    II. basic or applied research in ecology, focused on biodiversity conservation in arid or semi-arid environments – 20%

    III. usage and analysis of movement/tracking data and products, in the context of basic or applied research – 20%

    12. In the case of admitted candidates whose evaluation does not differ more than 10% from that obtained by the best positioned candidate, the jury will interview these candidates. This will be aimed at obtaining clarifications and explanations about the curricular elements and additional information as well as to evaluate the attitude profile and motivation of the candidate.

    The final score of each jury member is obtained by the following assessment: 90% scientific and curricular career evaluation and 10% interview.

    13. Candidate final classification system shall be given based on a scale 0 to 100.

    14. The panel shall deliberate by means of roll-call vote justified under adopted and disclosed selection criteria, with no abstentions allowed.

    15. Minutes of panel meetings shall be executed and include a summary of all occurrences of said meeting, as well as of all votes casted by the members and respective reasoning.

    16. After selection criteria application, the panel shall prepare a sorted list of approved candidates and respective classification.

    17. Panel's final decision shall be validated by the leader of the institution, who is also in charge of deciding about the hiring.

    18. Application formalization:

    18.1. The applications are formalized at the electronic address https: // www. cibio.pt with following documents in a digital form, in PDF format:

    i) Curriculum vitae

    ii) Motivation/Cover letter

    iii) Qualifications Certificate

    iv) Other relevant documentation

    18.2.The application period is from 05 /09/2023 to 18/09/202 3

    Expected starting date: 1st November 2023

    19. All candidates who formalize their applications in an improper way or fail to prove the requirements imposed by this tender are excluded from admission. In case of doubt, the panel is entitled to request any candidate to present further documentation supporting their statements.

    20. False statements provided by the candidates shall be punished by law.

    21. Both admitted and excluded candidate list and final classification list shall be notified by email.

    22. After notification, all candidates have 10 working days to comment. Panel's final decisions are pronounced within a period of 90 working days, from response period deadline.

    23. This tender is exclusively destined to fill this specify position and can be terminated at any time until approval of final candidate list, expiring with the respective occupation of said position.

    24. Non-discrimination and equal access policy: Associação BIOPOLIS actively promotes a non-discrimination and equal access policy, wherefore no candidate can be privileged, benefited, impaired or deprived of any rights whatsoever, or be exempt of any duties based on their ancestry, age, sex, sexual preference, marital status, family and economic conditions, instruction, origin or social conditions, genetic heritage, reduced work capacity, disability, chronic illness, nationality, ethnic origin or race, origin territory, language, religion, political or ideological convictions and union membership.

    25. The panel has approved this announcement in meeting held on 30/08/2023.

    26. To comply with Law no. 4/2019, of 10 January, candidates must declare on the application form, under a statement of honour, their degree of disability, the type of disability and the means of communication/expression to be used in the selection process.


    Research Field

    Biological sciences » Biology

    Education Level

    PhD or equivalent

    Internal Application form(s) needed



    (261.9 KB - PDF)


    Additional Information Work Location(s)

    Number of offers available











    Tapada da Ajuda


    Where to apply


    https:// www. cibio.pt







    https: // www. biopolis.pt/en/



    Postal Code



    [email protected]


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