Fct Doctoral Research Fellowship - Cidehus

Universities and Institutes of Portugal
September 18, 2023
Offerd Salary:Negotiation
Working address:N/A
Contract Type:Other
Working Time:Full time
Working type:N/A
Ref info:N/A

4 Aug 2023

Job Information





Research Field

History » Other

Researcher Profile

First Stage Researcher (R1)



Application Deadline

18 Sep 2023 - 23:59 (Europe/Lisbon)

Type of Contract


Job Status


Hours Per Week


Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?

Not funded by an EU programme

Reference Number

Bolsa de Doutoramento FCT - CIDEHUS

Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?


Offer Description

Announcement of the Call for

Awarding of Doctoral Research Fellowship

The Centro Interdisciplinar de História, Culturas e Sociedades (CIDEHUS) a call for applications for 1 (one) research grant, hereinafter referred to as Doctoral Research Grants, in the area of History and History and Philosophy of Science, under the FCT Research Grant Regulations (RBI) and the Research Grant Holder Statute (EBI).

The grants will be financed by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the terms of the Protocol of Collaboration for Financing the Pluriannual Research Grant Plan for Doctoral Students, signed between the FCT and the R&D Unit CIDEHUS.


The call is open between 4 th of August, 2023 and 23:59 (Lisbon time) 18th of September, 2023.

Applications and supporting documents for the application foreseen in this Call Notice must be submitted by e-mail sent/submitted to [email protected]. Each candidate may submit only one application, under penalty of cancellation of all applications submitted.

False statements or plagiarism on the part of the candidates will be grounds for cancellation of the application without prejudice to the adoption of other sanctionary measures.


Doctoral research grants are intended to fund research activities leading to a doctoral degree in portuguese universities.

The research activities leading to a doctoral degree will take place at CIDEHUS which will be the host institution for the grantee, although the work may be carried out in collaboration with more than one institution.

The research activities leading to a doctoral degree for the selected fellow must be included in the activities and strategy plan of CIDEHUS, and must be developed within the scope of the Doctoral Programme in History, Doctoral Programme in History and Philosophy of Science and PIUDH – Inter-University Doctoral Programme in History in the University of Évora.

The work plan may take place fully or partially in a national institution (in-country fellowship or mixed fellowship, respectively).

The duration of the fellowship is, as a rule, one year, renewable up to a maximum of four years (48 months), and no fellowship may be awarded for a period of less than three consecutive months.

In the case of a mixed scholarship, the period of the work plan that takes place in a foreign institution cannot exceed 24 months.


Doctoral Research Fellowships are intended for candidates enrolled in the Doctoral Programmes listed under item 2 of this Announcement - Doctoral Programme in History, Doctoral Programme in History and Philosophy of Science and PIUDH – Inter-University Doctoral Programme in History - and who intend to carry out research activities leading to the award of a doctoral degree at CIDEHUS, or at associated host institutions.


4.1 Candidate Admissibility Requirements

The following may apply to this competition:

  • National citizens or citizens of other member states of the European Union;
  • Third Country Citizens;
  • Stateless persons;
  • Citizens benefiting from political refugee status.
  • To apply for a PhD Research Fellowship it is necessary:

  • Hold a bachelor's or master's degree in the areas History or in areas considered to be related;
  • To be permanently and habitually resident in Portugal if the work plan associated with the grant is partially carried out in foreign institutions (mixed grants), a requirement applicable to both Portuguese and foreign citizens.
  • Not have benefited from a PhD or PhD in Enterprise grant directly funded by FCT, regardless of its duration.
  • Not holding a Doctor's degree
  • 4.2 Admissibility Requirements of the Application

    The following documents must be attached to the application, under penalty of non-admission to the competition:

  • Elements of the identity card/citizen card/passport;
  • Curriculum vitae of the candidate;
  • Certificates of the academic degrees held, specifying the final grade and, if possible, the grades obtained in all courses taken, or, alternatively, a declaration of honor from the candidate that he/she has completed a bachelor's or master's degree by the application deadline;
  • Record of recognition of academic degrees awarded by foreign higher education institutions and record of the conversion of the respective final classification into the Portuguese classification scale, or alternatively, declaration of honour from the candidate that he/she has obtained the recognition of the foreign degree equivalent to a bachelor or master by the application deadline;
  • Motivation Letter;
  • Two Letters of Recommendation;
  • Work Plan with a maximum of two A4 pages;
  • Candidates must fill the application and attach all the documents associated with it, including the letters of motivation and recommendation, in portuguese or English.
  • Regarding the above admissibility requirements the following should be noted:

  • In the case of academic degrees awarded by foreign higher education institutions, and in order to ensure the application of the principle of equal treatment for applicants holding foreign and national academic degrees, it is mandatory to recognize those degrees and convert the respective final classification into the portuguese classification scale.
  • The recognition of foreign degrees and diplomas as well as the conversion of the final classification into the portuguese classification scale may be requested at any public higher education institution, or at the Directorate General of Higher Education (DGES, only in the case of automatic recognition). Regarding this matter, we suggest that you consult the DGES portal at the following address: https:// www. dges.gov.pt .

  • Applicants will only be admitted if they have completed the cycle of studies leading to a bachelor or master degree by the application deadline. If they do not yet have a degree certificate, a declaration of honor from the candidates that they have completed the necessary qualifications for the competition by the application deadline will be accepted. The conception of the scholarship is always dependent on the presentation of proof of the academic qualifications required for the scholarship to be awarded.

    The work plan for obtaining a doctorate degree in the Doctoral Programmes listed in point 2 of this Announcement corresponds to the study plan of those Programmes. The scientific supervision of the grant is under the responsibility of the doctoral thesis supervisor. He/She must be an integrated member of CIDEHUS.


    6.1 Evaluation Criteria

    The evaluation takes into account the applicant's merit and the merit of the work program.

    Applications deemed admissible will be scored on a scale of 0 to 10, on each of the following evaluation criteria:

  • Criterion A - Merit of the Candidate, with the weight of 60%;
  • Sub-criterion A1 – Applicant's academic background, which includes the candidate's field of ​​study and academic classifications. If the candidate has a Bachelor's and Master's degree, the weighted average of the grades obtained will be calculated; if the master's degree has been evaluated qualitatively, an increase of two points will be attributed to the final classification of the degree (restricted to the maximum limit of 20 points). In case the candidate has only a Bachelor's Degree, his final grade will be considered. The score for this subcriterion has the weight of 30%.
  • Sub-criterion A2 - Curriculum Vitae, with a weight of 30%.
  • Criterion B - Letter of motivation and work plan, with a weight of 25%.
  • Criterion C – Interview, with a weight of 15%.
  • The interview will be scored on a scale of 0 to 10
  • For the purposes of the grant decision, applicants will be ranked according to the weighted average of the classification obtained in each of the three criteria, translated by the following formula:

    Final Classification =(60%×A + 25% ×B + 15%×C

    For tie-breaking purposes, candidates will be ranked on the basis of the marks awarded for each of the evaluation criteria in the following order of precedence: criterion A, criterion B, criterion C.

    Important notice for applicants with diplomas issued by foreign higher education institutions:

  • Applicants with diplomas issued by foreign higher education institutions may apply and will be evaluated with the same criteria as applicants with diplomas issued by portuguese institutions, provided that they present, in application, proof of the recognition of the academic degrees and the conversion of the final classification to the portuguese grading scale under the terms of the applicable legislation.
  • Applicants with foreign degrees who do not submit proof of the conversion of the final classification into the portuguese classification scale will be assessed with the minimum classification 5 (five) points in Subcriterion A1, in the respective grade.
  • In any case, scholarship contracts with applicants with degrees issued by foreign institutions will only be awarded upon presentation of proof of degree recognition and conversion of the final classification, as indicated above.
  • Applicants whose application is evaluated with a final classification lower than 7 (seven) points are not eligible for a scholarship.

    6.2 Bonus

    Not applicable.


    The evaluation panel of the candidates is composed of the following elements:

    . Professor Mafalda Soares da Cunha, Universidade de Évora (President);

    . Doctor Ana Carvalho, Universidade de Évora (1st effective member);

    . Doctor Fernando Gameiro, CIDEHUS - Universidade de Évora (2nd effective member);

    . Professor Duarte Freitas, CIDEHUS - Universidade de Évora (1st alternate member);

    . Doctor Maria Zozaya Montes, Universidade de Évora (2nd alternate member).

    The evaluation panel will evaluate the applications according to the evaluation criteria in this Call for Proposals, weighting the evaluation elements.

    All panel members, including the coordinator, are committed to a set of responsibilities essential to the evaluation process, such as the duties of impartiality, declaration of any potential conflict of interest, and confidentiality. At all times during the evaluation process, confidentiality is fully protected and ensured in order to guarantee the independence of all opinions produced.

    For each application, the panel will produce a final evaluation sheet where the arguments that led to the scores assigned to each of the evaluation criteria and sub-criteria are presented in a clear, coherent, and consistent manner.

    Minutes of the evaluation panel meetings shall be produced under the responsibility of all its members.

    The minutes and their annexes must obligatorily include the following information:

  • Name and affiliation of all members of the evaluation panel;
  • Final evaluation sheets for each candidate;
  • Provisional ranking and seriation list of candidates, in descending order of final ranking, of all applications evaluated by the panel;
  • CDI statements from all panel members;
  • Possible delegations of vote and competencies due to justified absence.

    The results of the evaluation are communicated via e-mail to the e-mail address used by the candidate to submit the application/application.


    After notification of the provisional list of evaluation results, the candidates have a period of 10 working days to, if they wish, make their comments during a prior hearing of interested parties, under the terms of articles 121 and following of the Administrative Procedure Code.

    The final decision will be issued after the analysis of the statements presented during the prior hearing of interested parties. A complaint may be lodged against the final decision within 15 working days, or alternatively an appeal may be lodged within 30 working days, both counting from the respective notification. Candidates who choose to file a complaint must address their appeal to the member of the FCT Board of Directors with delegated authority. Candidates who choose to file an appeal must address their appeal to the FCT Board of Directors.


    Research grant contracts are entered into directly with FCT.

    The following documents must be submitted, when the grant is awarded, for contracting purposes

  • Copy of the civil, fiscal and, when applicable, social security identification document(s) ;
  • Copy of the qualification certificates of the academic degrees held;
  • Presentation of the record of recognition of the foreign academic degrees and conversion of the respective final classifications to the portuguese classification scale, if applicable;
  • Work plan;
  • Proof of enrolment and registration in one of the following Doctoral Programmes: Doctoral Programme in History; Doctoral Programme in History and Philosophy of Science; or PIUDH - Interuniversity Post Doctoral Programme in History identified in this Notice
  • Statement from the advisor(s) assuming responsibility for the supervision of the work plan, in accordance with article 5-A of the Research Grant Holder Statute (draft of the statement to be made available by FCT);
  • Document proving acceptance of the applicant by the institution where the research activities will take place, guaranteeing the necessary conditions for its good development, as well as the fulfillment of the duties established in article 13 of the Research Grant Holder Statute (draft statement to be made available by FCT);
  • Up-to-date document proving compliance with the regime of exclusive dedication (draft declaration to be made available by FCT).
  • The award of the grant is also subject to:

  • of the fulfillment of the requirements foreseen in this Announcement of the Call;
  • the result of the scientific evaluation
  • the absence of unjustified non-compliance with the duties of the grant recipient under a previous grant contract funded directly or indirectly by FCT;
  • FCT budget availability.
  • Failure to submit any of the documents needed to complete the grant contracting process within 6 months of the date of communication of the decision to award the grant conditionally will result in the expiration of the grant and the termination of the process.


    Payment of the scholarships will begin after the candidates return the duly signed scholarship contract, which should occur within a maximum of 15 working days from the date of receipt.

    The grants awarded under this call will be financed by FCT with funds from the State Budget and, when eligible, with funds from the European Social Fund, through the Demography, Qualifications and Inclusion Programme (PDQI), in accordance with the regulations established for this purpose.


    The grant recipients will receive a monthly maintenance allowance under the terms of the table in Annex I of the RBI.

    The scholarship may also include other components, under the terms of article 18 of the RBI and at the values foreseen in its Appendix II.

    All grant recipients shall be covered by personal accident insurance for research activities, borne by FCT.

    All grant recipients who are not covered by any social protection scheme may exercise their right to social security by joining the voluntary social insurance scheme, under the terms of the Code of Contributory Regimes of the Social Security System, FCT ensuring the charges resulting from contributions under the terms and within the limits laid down in Article 10 of the EBI.


    Payments due to the grant recipient will be made by bank transfer to the account he/she identifies. The payment of the monthly maintenance allowance will be made on the first working day of each month.

    Payments of the registration, enrollment and tuition components shall be made by FCT directly to the national institution where the grant recipient is enrolled or enrolled in the doctoral program.


    The renewal of the scholarship is always subject to a request submitted by the grant holder within 60 working days prior to the renewal date, accompanied by the following documents

    a) opinions issued by the supervisor/s and the host entity/s on the monitoring of the grant holder's work and the evaluation of his/her activities;

    b) up-to-date document proving compliance with the regime of exclusive dedication;

    c) document proving renewal of enrollment in the study cycle leading to a doctoral degree.


    In all R&D activities directly or indirectly financed by the grant, namely, in all communications, publications and scientific creations, as well as theses, carried out with the support provided for in the grant, mention must be made of financial support from FCT and the Fund European Social Network, namely through the Demography, Qualifications and Inclusion Program (PDQI). For this purpose, the FCT, MCTES, FSE and EU insignias must be inscribed in the documents referring to these actions, in accordance with the graphic rules of the community support program.

    Dissemination of results of research funded under the RBI shall comply with the rules for open access of data, publications and other research results in force at the FCT.

    In all grants, and particularly in the case of actions supported by EU funding, namely from the ESF, monitoring and control actions may be carried out by national and EU bodies, in accordance with the applicable legislation in this area. The grant recipients are required to cooperate and provide the requested information, which includes surveys and evaluation studies in this area, even if the grant has already ended.


    FCT promotes a policy of non-discrimination and equal access, whereby no applicant shall be privileged, benefited, prejudiced, or deprived of any right or exempt from any duty on the basis of ancestry, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, family situation, economic situation, education, origin or social condition, genetic heritage, reduced work capacity, disability, chronic illness, nationality, ethnic origin or race, territory of origin, language, religion, political or ideological convictions, or union membership.


    The Call is governed by this Opening Notice, by the FCT Research Grant Regulations, approved by Regulation No. 950/2019, published in the II Series of the DR of 16 December 2019, by the Research Grant Holder Statute approved by Law No. 40/2004, of 18 August, as amended, and by all other applicable national and EU legislation.


    Research Field

    History » Other

    Education Level

    Bachelor Degree or equivalent
    Additional Information Work Location(s)

    Number of offers available







    Where to apply


    [email protected]







    https: // www. uevora.pt/investigar/Oportunidades-de-Investigacao/concursos- bolsas-id?item=38173


    Largo dos Colegais, nº. 2

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    [email protected]


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