Doctoral studentship in political science

Linnaeus University
September 22, 2023
Offerd Salary:Negotiation
Working address:N/A
Contract Type:Other
Working Time:Full time
Working type:N/A
Ref info:N/A

Welcome to Linnaeus University! We meet the societal challenges of today and tomorrow in a spirit of openness, curiosity and creativity. By creating arenas for exchange of knowledge from different subjects, fields and cultures, we open up for new ideas and create new opportunities for long-term sustainable societal development. Linnaeus University – where people grow.

PhD programmes are offered at the five faculties of Linnaeus University, among these the Faculty of Social Science. The Faculty of Social Science has around 400 employees and 3500 students in Växjö and Kalmar. The Department of Political Science, that is part of the Faculty of Social Science, is mainly active in Växjö, although the department also has some activity in Kalmar. The Department of Political Science offers education on all levels, including a PhD program, in both Swedish and English. The Department of Political Science has researchers and teachers involved in all major sub-disciplines of political science. The research at the department includes, but is not limited to, the study of the representative democratic chain, from citizens, via political decision makers, to the effect of the decisions. This is studied in areas like political behaviour, parties, parliaments, corruption and the EU. We are now recruiting PhD students.

Subject area for the position: Political science

Location until further notice: Växjö. Since Linnaeus University is located in both Växjö and Kalmar, travel between the two may be required.

Term and hours: The doctoral studentship is limited in time in accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance (Chapter 5, Section 7). According to the Higher Education Ordinance, a doctoral studentship shall be a full-time post. If the doctoral student so requests, it may, however, be converted into a part-time post, albeit of no less than 50% of a full-time post. Note that a doctoral student employed at 50% must not have any other duties beside their own doctoral studies. Starting date: 1 January 2024.

Job description

The Higher Education Ordinance states that anyone who is employed as a doctoral student shall primarily devote themselves to their own studies, although they may, to a limited extent, also work with education, research, and administration. Before a doctorate has been awarded, such work may not exceed 20% of full-time work. The PhD student will be admitted to the PhD programme when employed as a PhD student. Doctoral studies in political science at Linnaeus University encompass four years of full-time, funded studies. Students will complete 240 credits, of which 60 credits are courses, and the dissertation corresponds to 180 credits. The PhD program ends with a public defense of the doctoral dissertation. For further regulations regarding PhD studies, see the Higher Education Ordinance (chapter 5, section 7).

The PhD student is expected to have a high degree of presence at the workplace. The PhD student is also expected to contribute actively to the research and education environment at the department, including active participation at the research seminar of the Department of political science. Furthermore, the PhD student is expected to relate to the national and international research community.

The main language of the PhD programme in political science is English. However, during the PhD programme, the PhD student is expected to learn basic Swedish well enough to understand and speak the language.


A person meets the general entry requirements for third-cycle studies if they

have been awarded a degree at the second-cycle level in political science or other discipline deemed equivalent.

have at least 240 credits of passed courses, of which at least 60 credits are at the second-cycle level; or

have acquired essentially equivalent knowledge in some other way, in or outside Sweden.

A person meets the specific entry requirements for the third-cycle studies if they:

have completed 90 credits in political science, or has acquired substantially equivalent knowledge in some other way in Sweden or abroad.

have completed a Master's degree project of at least 15 credits in political science or other discipline deemed equivalent.

are considered to have the abilities required to be able to benefit from the education that they are given.

Assessment criteria

Admission is primarily to be based on the applicant's ability to benefit from the third cycle programme. The applicants will be ranked based on an overall assessment of their scientific merits, and grades from previous studies.

In addition to this, good collaboration skills, the ability to work independently, communication skills, personal suitability, and proficiency in both written and spoken English, are taken into account. Interviews will be conducted with a shortlisted number of applicants during the final stages of the admission process.

During the admission process the ability of the Department of political science to supervise the proposed dissertation project will be taken into account.

Application procedure

The application can be written in Swedish or English. You apply electronically via the Linnaeus University application portal.

The application must include:

  • A cover letter in Swedish or English which contains a brief explanation of why you are interested in third cycle studies at the Department of Political Science at Linnaeus University, and how you can contribute to the research of the department.
  • A CV in Swedish or English that demonstrated your qualifications for the third cycle programme in Political Science.
  • Degree and grade certificates in Swedish or English.
  • Master degree´s project, and other written work you want to submit.
  • A brief research plan in Swedish or English for your potential dissertation project with a general aim, research question, theory and method (4-5 pages, 12 Times New Roman, 1.15 space).
  • Other documentation of relevance to the position (name and contact information personal references, recommendation letters, etc.).
  • Contact

    Professor Douglas Brommesson, Chair of the board of supervisors. Phone: +46(0)470-708761, e-mail: [email protected].

    Senior lecturer Johanna Jormfeldt, Head of the Department of Political Science. Phone: +46(9)470-708476, e-mail: [email protected].

    Professor Per Strömblad, Director of third cycle studies. Phone: +46(0)480-497056, e-mail: [email protected].

    Ulrika Petersson, HR-partner. Phone: +46(0)480-446996, e-mail: [email protected].

    Welcome with your application no later than September 22, 2023.

    Linnaeus University has the ambition to utilize the qualities that an even gender distribution and diversity brings to the organization.

    Please apply by clicking on the Apply button at the bottom of the ad. Applicants are requested to the application resolving CV, cover letter , a copy of a relevant essay , grades and certificates and other relevant documents. The applicant also requested to submit with their application a proposed research plan within the current area of research. All documents must be attached to digital in the application. The application and other documents shall be marked with the reference number. All documents cited must be received by the University no later than 24.00 (Local time in Sweden) on the closing day.

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