Doctoral Student In Development Of Sustainable Biosensors Based On Inorganic Materials

Göteborg University
September 29, 2023
Offerd Salary:Negotiation
Working address:N/A
Contract Type:Fixed-term employmen
Working Time:Full time
Working type:N/A
Ref info:N/A

The University of Gothenburg tackles society's challenges with diverse knowledge. 56 000 students and 6 600 employees make the university a large and inspiring place to work and study. Strong research and attractive study programmes attract researchers and students from around the world. With new knowledge and new perspectives, the University contributes to a better future.

The Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology offers doctoral education within the fields of chemical sciences, molecular life sciences and environmental sciences. We conduct high quality international research using innovative techniques and modern equipment. It is our mission to provide you with the very best training, enabling you to reach your full potential and excel in your future endeavours. From August 2023, we will be located in Natrium, a new building for natural and life sciences with access to modern education and research facilities.

Research project will be performed within Inorganic/Electrochemistry group. Research in the group spans different areas. For example, synthesis of metal oxide nanoparticles by solution based and electrochemical methods, studies of electrocatalytical reactions, experimental determination and modelling of the thermodynamical properties of electrolytes, investigations of particle size dependent surface and interfacial properties of nanoparticles by experimental and theoretical methods. Nanoparticle's surface charge and potential play vital role in determining their reactivity, solubility, stability, aggregation and interaction with organic matter in complex electrolytes. Knowledge of fundamental processes occurring at the nanoparticle solution interface is further used in various applications such as use of silica nanoparticles based gels for grouting, degradation of cement in repository, metal oxides based materials as biosensors for biomarkers, ordor control in hygiene products and ecotoxicity of nanoparticles including plastic nanoparticles. Group has well established international collaborations along with collaborations with other universities in Sweden and with industry.

The field of biosensors is rapidly developing and at present the dominant materials used for sensing purposes are metals. Therefore, there is need of finding materials which are environmentally friendly and sustainable. Inorganic metal oxides are suitable materials because they are environmentally friendly and are abundant in nature. Moreover, they can easily be synthesized in different sizes and shapes. This is huge advantage because suspension of specifically functionalized metal oxides nanoparticles can be used as ink to create printable biosensors.

General information about being a doctoral student at the University of Gothenburg can be found on the university's doctoral student pages.

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The project is financed by EU and Bo-Rydins stiftelsen and will be performed in collaboration with Essity. The focus of the project is to find suitable inorganic materials such as metal oxides which can be function as sensors for biomarkers when used in hygiene products. The field of sensor technology is developing rapidly but at the same time stringent regulations are imposed regarding the toxicity and sustainability of the materials. In this project will shall focus on these issues and shall find the inorganic material which function as sensor as well as is environmental friendly. The project work includes experimental work to synthesize the material and test in sensor applications.

Education at third-cycle level comprises four years of full-time study, and leads to a doctoral degree.

As part of your employment as a doctoral student, you may have departmental duties corresponding to up to 20 % of full-time employment, distributed throughout your study period. Departmental duties usually consist of teaching at first- and second-cycle levels, but may also include research and administration.


To be eligible for third-cycle studies, the applicant must meet both the general and specific entry requirements: A person meets the general entry requirements for third-cycle courses and study programs if he or she:

  • has been awarded a second-cycle qualification,
  • has satisfied the requirements for courses comprising at least 240 credits of which at least 60 credits were awarded in the second-cycle, or
  • has acquired substantially equivalent knowledge in some other way in Sweden or abroad.
  • To meet the specific entry requirements for third-cycle studies, applicants must: (i) have a second-cycle (advanced-level) degree in a relevant subject area in the natural sciences, or (ii) have completed studies for at least 60 higher education credits at a second-cycle level in relevant subject areas in the natural sciences, or (iii) have completed a corresponding program of relevance to the planned third-cycle program, in Sweden or in another country, or have equivalent qualifications.

    Relevant for the planned third-cycle education

    The specific entry requirements also include an acceptable command of spoken and written English. Guidelines for assessing English proficiency may include a minimum score of 550 on the TOEFL test (or 213 on the TOEFL-CBT, or 79 on the TOEFL-iBT).

    Assessment criteria

    In the selection of eligible applicants, the applicant shall be selected who, after an overall assessment of skill and development potential, is judged to be in the best position to carry out and develop the tasks described above. Since the project is in collaboration with other university and industry, the candidate skills in collaborating with other groups will be emphasized.

    In selecting between applicants who meet the general and specific entry requirements, their ability to benefit from third-cycle studies shall be taken into account. The assessment shall attach particular importance to documented qualifications for: Knowledge in basic and advanced inorganic chemistry, synthesis and functionalization of metal oxide nanoparticles. Moreover, knowledge in the field of electrochemistry and properties of double layer at the particle solution interface will be highly beneficial for the project and eventually in the choice of suitable candidate.


    Type of employment: Fixed-term employment, four years full time

    Extent: 100 %

    Location: Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology, Gothenburg

    First day of employment : As soon as possible based on agreement

    Regulations for the evaluation of qualifications for education on a doctoral level are given in SFS 1993:100.

    A new employment as a PhD student applies for a maximum of one year. The Appointment may be prolonged for up to two years at a time. The total employment period may not be longer than the equivalent of four years of full time doctoral studies.

    University applies local agreement on salaries of graduate students.

    Contact information

    Associate Prof Zareen Abbas, E-mail: [email protected] , Tel: 0766229015


    Union representatives at the University of Gothenburg can be found here: https: // www.


    In order to apply for a position at the University of Gothenburg, you have to register an account in our online recruitment system. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the application is complete in accordance with the instructions in the job advertisement, and that it is submitted before the deadline.

    You must include the following, in PDF format

  • Personal letter
  • CV
  • Diploma and transcripts showing that you meet with the general entry requirement
  • Proof of completion of English 6 course or the acquired equivalent knowledge through previous studies
  • Two references (name, e-mail, telephone number, relation.
  • If your degree has not been verified by a Swedish authority you need to provide contact details to the issuing university, registrar or similar, that can verify the degree at our request.

    Applications must be received by: 2023-09-29

    Information for International Applicants

    Choosing a career in a foreign country is a big step. Thus, to give you a general idea of what we and Gothenburg have to offer in terms of benefits and life in general for you and your family/spouse/partner please visit:

    https: // www. https: // www.

    The University works actively to achieve a working environment with equal conditions, and values the qualities that diversity brings to its operations.

    Salaries are set individually at the University.

    In accordance with the National Archives of Sweden's regulations, the University must archive application documents for two years after the appointment is filled. If you request that your documents are returned, they will be returned to you once the two years have passed. Otherwise, they will be destroyed.

    In connection to this recruitment, we have already decided which recruitment channels we should use. We therefore decline further contact with vendors, recruitment and staffing companies.

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