Doctoral Researcher (ASUTUT – Sustainable Housing Design research group) / Väitöskirjatutkija (ASUTUT - Kestävän Asuntoarkkitehtuurin tutkimusryhmä)

Tampere University of Technology
May 15, 2023
Offerd Salary:Negotiation
Working address:N/A
Contract Type:4 years fixed-term
Working Time:Full time
Working type:N/A
Ref info:N/A

Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences create a unique environment for multidisciplinary, inspirational and high-impact research and education. Our universities community has its competitive edges in technology, health and society. Read more:www.

The Faculty of Built Environment conducts high-quality scientific and applied research in the fields of architecture and civil engineering and provides higher education based on this research. Our unique environment promotes collaboration and innovations and offers opportunities to pursue new avenues of multidisciplinary research and education. Our mission is to establish a reputation as a pioneer of teaching and research in civil engineering and achieve international visibility in our areas of expertise.

ASUTUT - Sustainable Housing Design research group conducts user-centric and process-oriented research that responds to and pre-empts societal challenges in contemporary housing design in a rapidly changing world (e.g. climate change, ageing population, pandemic etc.). ASUTUT investigates and re- imagines new approaches to housing design and its spatial and architectural quality with the aim to influence the design of sustainable living environments now, and in the future, by combining unique areas of expertise, including: AGILE DESIGN (e.g. adaptable, flexible, dweller-oriented housing design and housing solutions); ECOLOGICAL DESIGN (e.g. zero energy, zero carbon design, Post-occupancy and building performance evaluation (POE, BPE) and INCLUSIVE DESIGN (e.g. accessibility, inclusivity, human diversity) and how to educate the architects of the future.

We are looking for a highly motivated

Doctoral Researcher to join the ASUTUT – Sustainable Housing Design research group at the Faculty of Built Environment at Tampere University.

Job description

The position of doctoral researcher offers you the opportunity to concentrate full-time on your doctoral studies while receiving high-quality supervision along with the freedom and encouragement to develop your ideas in a supportive, inspirational and multidisciplinary research environment.

Besides conducting research for your dissertation, your position may include teaching or other duties in the faculty related to your studies.

There are two specific research areas under consideration for the PhD and they are related to the Finnish and/or Nordic context from which you should select one area of interest to develop further in your PhD:

  • Urban Housing + nature + wellbeing interconnections:
  • Physical and visual connections from the home to urban nature have been shown to support individual and community well-being and a city's resilience (during e.g. the pandemic, a changing climate etc.). This theme examines the interconnections between urban housing, access to urban nature of different kinds and dwellers' well-being. How is urban nature experienced and accessed by residents? What does urban nature mean to different residents? What kind of urban nature and proximity support inhabitant well-being (e.g., in encouraging social and physical activity or visual attractiveness that supports happiness)? How are different kinds of urban nature perceived and accessed by different users and does this change over time (e.g., young and old)? Is there a need to improve urban nature connections (e.g., amount, proximity, kind) in the living environment, and if so, of what kind, scale and in which locations, and how is this (spatially, socially, inclusively) achieved in existing living environments to maximise the co-benefits of urban nature? This and many more questions are part of this theme, and we invite applications that explore some of these aspects that are of interest to the applicant.

  • Social + spatial + circular trajectories in housing:
  • This theme opens the possibility to study diverse questions related to the relations of social infrastructure, circular economy and housing environment in all their theoretical and practical viewpoints. Spatial configurations and processes, and their social, material and temporal features affect residents' individual and communal everyday practices. Questions include: how the development of more sustainable and resilient lifestyles can necessitate new housing forms, and what these may look like? How can flexibility be provided for diverse ways of living? How can housing include places for community interaction, encountering differences and learning, and possibilities for sharing spatial, material and intellectual resources? What may some of these new housing models look like, especially in the Finnish context? There are also methodological questions related to research and design practices applicable in scaling up emerging communal and spatial innovations that can be explored in this research theme, and we invite applicants their own area of interest related to this theme.


    The position requires:

  • A suitable higher university degree in architecture or urban planning, or equivalent with an excellent prior grade.
  • Demonstrated competence and motivation to pursue postgraduate studies.
  • Ambition, scientific quality, innovativeness and social significance of the preliminary research plan, in response to 1 of the 2 listed research areas.
  • A good command in both spoken and written English; a good Finnish language skill is desirable but not a requirement.
  • Ability to work at Tampere University's Hervanta campus.
  • In addition to the above, the following are essential criteria:

  • Up-to-date and in-depth knowledge about sustainability, especially related to housing/living environments.
  • Ability to work in a team as well as independently, and communicate clearly in a multidisciplinary and international environment
  • Creative, inquisitive, independent and critical thinking, and be able to adapt to emerging research circumstances.
  • Adequate methodological and theoretical capabilities
  • Interest in qualitative research, literature reviews and in working with inhabitants
  • During the Doctoral researcher position application phase, you do not yet need a study right within the faculty's doctoral program, neither approved study nor detailed research plan, but they are required before starting in the position. Please visit the admissions webpage for more information: Doctoral Programme in Built Environment Tampere universities (

    Tampere University is a unique, multidisciplinary and boldly forward-looking, evolving community. Our values are openness, diversity, responsibility, courage, critical thinking, erudition, and learner-centredness. We hope that you can embrace these values and promote them in your work.

    We offer

    The position will be filled full-time for a 4 years fixed-term period starting on in the beginning of August 2023, or as mutually agreed.

    The salary will be based on both the job requirements and the employee's personal performance in accordance with the salary system of Finnish universities. According to the criteria applied to teaching and research staff, the position of a doctoral researcher is placed on level 2-4 of the job requirements scale. A trial period of six months applies to all our new employees.

    Tampere University offers many benefits to its employees, e.g., occupational health services, flexible working hours, high-quality sport services and affordable lunch opportunities on campus. Please read more about Working at Tampere Universities. You can also find more information about us and working and living in Tampere by watching Tampere Higher Education Community - our academic playground.

    Finland is among the most stable, free and safe countries in the world, based on prominent ratings by various agencies. Tampere is the largest inland city of Finland, and the city is counted among the major academic hubs in the Nordic countries. Tampere region is the most rapidly growing urban area in Finland and home to a vibrant knowledge-intensive entrepreneurial community. The city is an industrial powerhouse that enjoys a rich cultural scene and a reputation as a centre of Finland's information society. Tampere is also surrounded by vivid nature with forests and lakes, providing countless opportunities for easy-to-access outdoor adventures and refreshment throughout the year.

    Read more about Finland and Tampere:

  • Visit Finland
  • This is Finland
  • Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment: Welcome to Finland
  • Visit Tampere
  • How to apply

    Submit your application through our online recruitment system (link below). Please write your application and all the accompanying documentation in English.

    The closing date for applications is May 15th 2023 at 23:59 EEST / UTC +3.

    Please only attach the following documents to your application in one PDF- format named as “LastnameFirstname”:

  • Curriculum Vitae according to TENK guidelines
  • Condensed preliminary research plan (max. 3 pages).
  • The research plan should include background, your specific research question(s) and justification, your approach and research design of one of the two themes listed in the application. The research plan should also include references and/or bibliography and a timeline of your activities for the next 4 years, as well as any other identified need for other resources. (e.g. equipment, mobility, travel etc.)
  • A letter of motivation (max. 1 page) setting out your suitability to undertake the PhD as well as what you would bring to the ASUTUT research group and the Faculty of Built Environment at Tampere University.
  • Copy of your MSc and BSc degree certificates, including transcripts of records and their English translations (Finnish certificates are accepted).
  • Evidence of your good command of the English language for academic purposes. You have two options of demonstrating your English language proficiency: language tests or previous studies. More information here: https: // www. programmes/language-requirements
  • For more information:

    Please contact Professor Sofie Pelsmakers (email: [email protected]).

    Tampereen yliopisto ja Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu muodostavat yhdessä Suomen toiseksi suurimman monitieteisen, innostavan ja vaikuttavan tutkimus- ja oppimisyhteisön. Korkeakouluyhteisömme osaamiskärjet ovat tekniikka, terveys ja yhteiskunta. Lue lisää: www.

    Informaatioteknologian ja viestinnän tiedekunnan ASUTUT - Kestävän Asuntoarkkitehtuurin tutkimusryhmä etsii motivoitunutta väitöskirjatutkijaa.


    Väitöskirjatutkijan tehtävä tarjoaa sinulle mahdollisuuden keskittyä kokoaikaisesti tohtoriopintoihisi ja saada samalla laadukasta ohjausta, sekä vapautta ja rohkaisua kehittää ideoitasi tukevassa, inspiroivassa ja monialaisessa tutkimusympäristössä. Väitöstutkimuksen tekemisen lisäksi tehtävääsi saattaa sisältyä opetusta tai muita opintoihisi liittyviä tehtäviä tiedekunnassa.

    Tehtävä täytetään 4 vuoden määräajaksi kokoaikaisesti.


    Lue tarkemmat tiedot tehtävästä ja hakuohjeet yllä olevasta englanninkielisestä ilmoituksesta.

    Jätäthän hakemuksesi yliopiston sähköisellä hakulomakkeella (linkki löytyy tämän ilmoituksen alta).

    Hakuaika tehtävään päättyy 15.5.2023 klo 23.59.

    Lisätietoja tehtävästä antaa:

    Professori Sofie Pelsmakers (sähköpostiosoite: [email protected]).

    Application period starts: 2023-03-17 15:00Application period ends: 2023-05-15 23:59

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