Call For A Science Manager - Science Manager_Uidb 00066 2020@22Uninova

Universities and Institutes of Portugal
June 02, 2023
Offerd Salary:Negotiation
Working address:N/A
Contract Type:Open-ended
Working Time:Negotigation
Working type:N/A
Ref info:N/A

22 May 2023

Job Information


UNINOVA - Instituto de Desenvolvimento de Novas Tecnologias


Serviços Centrais

Research Field


Researcher Profile

First Stage Researcher (R1)



Application Deadline

2 Jun 2023 - 23:00 (Europe/Lisbon)

Type of Contract

Not Applicable

Job Status

Not Applicable

Hours Per Week

Not Applicable

Offer Starting Date

1 Jul 2023

Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?

Not funded by an EU programme

Reference Number


Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?


Offer Description

UNINOVA – Institute for the Development of New Technologies, by decision of the Executive Committee, opens an international call for the hiring of a Science and Technology Manager, through an open-ended employment contract, with exclusivity, in CTS – Technology and System Center, within the scope of the Base Funding of the R&D Unit with the reference UIDB/00066/2020, financed by national funds through the Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., and under the scientific coordination of Prof. Dr. Luis M. Camarinha-Matos.

Admission Requirements/Profile of Candidates:

Applicants may be any Portuguese national, foreign and stateless candidates that hold the following requirements:

  • MSc Degree or post-graduation in Science and Technology Management
  • Experience: Preparation of technical reports, knowledge about the national scientific system
  • Experience: Advanced Microsoft Office and database tools.
  • Fluent in Portuguese and English, written and spoken (mandatory).
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Dynamism and ability to perform different tasks.
  • Candidates who have obtained the degree abroad must have the degree recognized in Portugal, pursuant to Decree-Law No. 66/2018 of August 16th.

    Applicable Legislation:

  • Portuguese Labor Code, approved by Law nº 7/2009, from 12th February in its current version.
  • Administrative Procedure Code, as published in Decree-Law nº 4/2015, from 7th January in its current version (CPA).
  • Work Plan Activities:

    - Support to the management and implementation of R&D activities of the Unit;

    - Support to the definition and implementation of strategies and mechanisms for communication and diffusion of knowledge and scientific and technological culture;

    - Support to the organization of conferences and events directly related to the Unit's R&D activities;

    - Assistance in the management of human and other resources of the Unit;

    - Support for collecting and processing information and elaborating performance indicators for the Unit;

    - Assistance in the identification of opportunities and submission of applications to other funding sources;

    - Administration of other Unit issues directly related to R&D activities;

    - Support for the preparation of statistical information in accordance with requests from various entities to which the Unit must respond.

    Start Date and Workplace:

    The contract should start on July 2023 and will last only for the period of execution necessary for the work plan described above. The works are planned for the entire duration of the Base Financing with the reference UIDB/00066/2020.

    The work will be developed at UNINOVA, at other facilities located at FCT / NOVA Campus and/or other necessary locations to its execution.

    Application process:

    The deadline for submitting applications is from 22nd of May 2023 to 2nd of June, 2023 and the application documents (indicated below) should be sent, in PDF format, to the following e-mails: [email protected] and [email protected], indicating the Reference of the position (mandatory):

    a) Motivation Letter in English;

    b) Detailed CV in English;

    c) Certificates;

    In the event of non-receipt of any application, within the deadline defined above, the call is automatically considered extended for another 10 (ten) working days.

    NOTE : The non-compliance with these requirements determines the immediate rejection of application.

    IMPORTANT NOTE : We emphasize that academic degrees obtained in foreign countries require recognition by a Portuguese Institution in accordance with Decree-Law no. 66/2018, of August 16 and Ordinance no. 33/2019, of January 25. The presentation of the recognition is mandatory for the signature of the contract.

    False statements provided by the candidates shall be punished by law.


    Research Field


    Education Level

    Master Degree or equivalent


    Admission Requirements/Profile of Candidates:

    Applicants may be any Portuguese national, foreign and stateless candidates that hold the following requirements:

  • MSc Degree or post-graduation in Science and Technology Management
  • Experience: Preparation of technical reports, knowledge about the national scientific system
  • Experience: Advanced Microsoft Office and database tools.
  • Fluent in Portuguese and English, written and spoken (mandatory).
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Dynamism and ability to perform different tasks.
  • Candidates who have obtained the degree abroad must have the degree recognized in Portugal, pursuant to Decree-Law No. 66/2018 of August 16th.

    Specific Requirements

    Scientific field: Science and Technology Management








    Additional Information


    Monthly Remuneration:

    Gross monthly Remuneration will be in accordance with salary of the index 23 of the TRU - Single Remuneration Table (negotiable, depending on experience), approved by Ordinance No. 1553-C / 2008, according to the experience presented by the candidate, including an initial experimental trial period of 30 (thirty) days.

    Eligibility criteria

    Evaluation Criteria:

    First phase (70%): Curriculum Analysis (85%) and Motivation Letter (15%) - Based on the curriculum, it will be qualitatively analyzed, and in what concerns its content and relevance for the tasks to be performed, namely: portfolio, with special emphasis on areas related to the work plan (25%); work experience and relevant knowledge in the techniques indicated in the candidate profile (60%). Based on the letter of motivation will be evaluated the motivation and interest for the activities to be performed (10%) and command of the English language (5%).

    Second stage (30%): The jury will select for the interview the 3 candidates who obtained in the first phase the highest ranking, with a minimum of 75%, or the number of candidates, up to 3, who obtained in the first phase a minimum rating of 75%.

    The final classification will have a 90% weight of the first phase (CV and motivation letter) classification and a 10% weight for the interview.

    The jury shall deliberate by means of a roll-call vote based on the selection criteria. In the event of a tie, the decision will be the responsibility of the chairman of the jury.

    After evaluation of all admitted applications, the jury will write a meeting minute with all process of recruitment, evaluation and selection including an ordered short list of approved candidates and their respective classification and final decision of the jury.

    The final decision of the jury shall be validated by the Executive Commission, who is also in charge of deciding about the hiring.

    Members of the Jury:

    The jury has the following composition:

  • President – Luis M. Camarinha-Matos
  • Member nº 1 – João Martins
  • Member nº 2 – Luis Oliveira
  • Substitute nº1 – Paula Louro
  • Selection process

    Form of advertising/notification of results: The results of the evaluation are disclosed within 60 working days from the end of the application submission period, by notification of the candidates, made by email.

    The results will be also published on the UNINOVA website.

    Preliminary Hearing and Final Decision Deadline:

    After communicating the provisional list of the results of the evaluation, the candidates have a period of 10 working days to express their opinion during a prior hearing of interested parties, pursuant to articles 121 et seq. of the Code of Administrative Procedure.

    The final decision will be rendered after the analysis of the statements presented during a prior hearing of interested parties. A complaint may be filed against the final decision within 15 working days, or, alternatively, an appeal may be filed within 30 working days, both counting from the respective notification.

    Additional comments

    UNINOVA promotes a non-discrimination and equal access policy, wherefore no candidate can be privileged, benefited, impaired or deprived of any rights whatsoever, or be exempt of any duties based on their ancestry, age, sex, sexual preference, marital status, family and economic conditions, instruction, origin or social conditions, genetic heritage, reduced work capacity, disability, chronic illness, nationality, ethnic origin or race, origin territory, language, religion, political or ideological convictions and union membership.

    Pursuant to Decree-Law nr 29/2001 of 3rd February, disabled candidates shall be preferred in a situation of equal classification, and said preference supersedes any legal preferences. Candidates must declare, on their honour, their respective disability degree, type of disability and communication / expression means to be used during selection period on their application form, under the regulations above.

    Work Location(s)

    Number of offers available



    UNINOVA - Instituto de Desenvolvimento de Novas Tecnologias






    Quinta da Torre

    Postal Code



    Campus da Caparica


    Where to apply


    [email protected]





    Quinta da Torre


    https:// www.


    Campus da Caparica

    Postal Code



    [email protected]


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