Research Associate / PhD Student (m/f/x)

European University Viadrina
May 31, 2023
Offerd Salary:Negotiation
Working address:N/A
Contract Type:Other
Working Time:Full time
Working type:N/A
Ref info:N/A

ID: 165600

Num. of employees:



  • Dresden (Saxony, Germany)
  • Type:

  • Research Assistant
  • Doctoral Researcher
  • Duration:

    The posi­ti­ons are limi­ted for 3 years.


    full-time, Balancing family and career is an important issue. The positions are generally suitable for candidates seeking part-time employment.

    Starting date (earliest):



    subject to personal qualification employees are remunerated according to salary group E 13 TV-L


  • Computer sciences
  • Mathematics
  • Medical Engineering
  • Field of studies:

  • Computer Science
  • Economics and Law
  • Engineering
  • Law
  • Mathematics
  • Level of education:

    very good research-oriented university degree in a discipline that is relevant to SECAI's research fields

    Working language:

  • German
  • Language skills:

  • English (fluently written and spoken)
  • External link:

    https: //
    Rese­arch Asso­ciate / PhD Stu­dent (m/f/x) The School of Embed­ded Com­po­site AI (SECAI), a DAAD Kon­rad Zuse

    School of Excel­lence in Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence in coope­ra­tion with Leip­zig Uni­ver­sity offers ten posi­ti­ons as

    Rese­arch Asso­ciate / PhD Stu­dent (m/f/x) (sub­ject to per­so­nal qua­li­fi­ca­tion employees are remu­ne­ra­ted accord­ing to salary group E 13 TV-L)

    star­ting Sep­tem­ber 1, 2023. The posi­ti­ons are limi­ted for 3 years. The period of employ­ment is gover­ned by the Fixed Term Rese­arch Con­tracts Act (Wis­sen­schafts­zeit­ver­trags­ge­setz-WissZeitVG). The posi­ti­ons aim at obtai­ning fur­ther aca­de­mic qua­li­fi­ca­tion (usually PhD). Balan­cing family and career is an important issue. The posi­ti­ons are gene­rally sui­ta­ble for can­di­da­tes see­king part-time employ­ment. Please indi­cate your request in your app­li­ca­tion. Topics and Work Loca­tion: Rese­ar­chers of several disci­pli­nes are col­la­bo­ra­ting in SECAI on advan­cing AI. The spec­trum of avail­able topics ran­ges from core areas of com­pu­ter sci­ence and elec­tro­nics over medi­cal app­li­ca­ti­ons to socie­tal aspects of AI. SECAI's main rese­arch focus areas are:

  • Com­po­site AI: How can machine lear­ning and sym­bo­lic AI methods be com­bi­ned?
  • AI Com­pute Para­digms: How will future AI hard­ware look and how will it be used?
  • Intel­li­gent Medi­cal Devices: How can AI advance cyber­me­di­cal sys­tems?
  • AI Methods for Health: How can AI methods sup­port the­rapy and dia­gnostics?
  • Socie­tal Frame­work of AI: How can AI become trust­worthy and free of legal risks?
  • The loca­tion of work (Dres­den or Leip­zig) depends on the topic assi­gned for each posi­tion. Infor­ma­tion about the avail­able topics and super­vi­sors can be found at https: //

    Working field:

    As a mem­ber of the SECAI gradu­ate school, you are answer­ing chal­len­ging research ques­tions under the super­vi­sion of lead­ing research­ers and together with other teams mem­bers from Dresden and Leipzig. You develop your own research pro­file, pub­lish and present your find­ings at inter­na­tional ven­ues, and net­work with the inter­na­tional research com­munity.


    very good rese­arch-ori­en­ted uni­ver­sity degree in a disci­pline that is rele­vant to SECAI's rese­arch fields (e.g., com­pu­ter sci­ence, mathe­ma­tics, elec­tro­nics, medi­cal devices, bio­in­for­ma­tics, or law); flu­ency in Eng­lish. Crea­ti­vity, taking plea­sure in rese­arch, and a sense for rese­arch qua­lity and ethi­cal beha­vior in rese­arch are an advan­tage. Please spe­cify for which of the topics found at https: // you would like to apply.

    What we offer:

    SECAI offers a first-class envi­ron­ment for advan­cing your career. You can work with inter­na­tio­nally renow­ned rese­ar­chers and bene­fit from the school's strong net­works in indus­try and rese­arch. The gra­dua­tion of highly qua­li­fied rese­ar­chers is a cen­tral pro­ject goal in SECAI and doc­to­ral stu­dents receive strong sup­port for their pro­fes­sio­nal and per­so­nal deve­lop­ment.

    How to apply:

    TUD stri­ves to employ more women in aca­de­mia and rese­arch. We the­re­fore expressly encou­rage women to apply. The Uni­ver­sity is a cer­ti­fied family- fri­endly uni­ver­sity and offers a Dual Career Ser­vice. We wel­come app­li­ca­ti­ons from can­di­da­tes with disa­bi­li­ties. If mul­ti­ple can­di­da­tes prove to be equally qua­li­fied, those with disa­bi­li­ties or with equi­va­lent sta­tus pur­suant to the Ger­man Social Code IX (SGB IX) will receive prio­rity for employ­ment. Please sub­mit your com­pre­hen­sive app­li­ca­tion inclu­ding the usual docu­ments by May 31, 2023 (stam­ped arri­val date of the uni­ver­sity cen­tral mail ser­vice app­lies), pre­fer­a­bly via the TU Dres­den Secu­re­Mail Por­tal https: // by sen­ding it as a sin­gle pdf docu­ment to [email protected] or to: TU Dres­den, Fakul­tät Infor­ma­tik, Insti­tut für Theo­re­ti­sche Infor­ma­tik, Pro­fes­sur für Wis­sens­ba­sierte Sys­teme, Herrn Prof. Dr. Mar­kus Krötzsch, Helm­holtz­str. 10, 01069 Dres­den, Ger­many. Please sub­mit copies only, as your app­li­ca­tion will not be retur­ned to you. Expen­ses incur­red in atten­ding inter­views can be reim­bur­sed upon prior invi­ta­tion.

    Refe­rence to data pro­tec­tion: Your data pro­tec­tion rights, the pur­pose for which your data will be pro­ces­sed, as well as fur­ther infor­ma­tion about data pro­tec­tion is avail­able to you on the web­site: https: // tu-

    Make an Application

    Closing date:


    By mail:

    Technische Universität Dresden Fakultät Informatik, Institut für Theoretische Informatik, Professur für Wissensbasierte Systeme, Herrn Prof. Dr. Markus Krötzsch, Helmholtzstr. 10, 01069 Dresden Deutschland

    By e-mail:

    [email protected]

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