2 Sep 2023
Job InformationOrganisation/Company
Laboratoire d'analyse et d'architecture des systèmes
Research Field
Researcher Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
Application Deadline
22 Sep 2023 - 23:59 (UTC)
Type of Contract
Job Status
Hours Per Week
Offer Starting Date
1 Nov 2023
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by an EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?
Offer DescriptionAs part of the PEPR program on advanced energy systems techniques, and in particular the targeted DC-Architect project, this thesis aims to solve the problems of exchanges between Medium Voltage (MV) and Low Voltage (LV) networks by diversifying DC and AC inputs and outputs. Modular, high-voltage power electronics should make this innovation possible. To this end, three renowned laboratories in the field of power conversion have joined forces to carry out this work in the Occitanie region.
As part of the energy transition, a major thrust in recent years has focused on the ability of renewable energies to produce H2 from single-source production or storage structures (e.g. AAP CRE 2018 on wind and PV for the storage of surplus renewable energy production). The aim of this thesis is to design a specific conversion system that can combine different power sources available on MV and LV grids (photovoltaic, concentrated PV, PV and hydro-generators, wind power, hydrogen, traditional thermal sources). This transformation system must enable energy exchanges between non-reversible sources (CPV, PV or mini-wind) and reversible sources (super-capacitors, motors/hydro-generators, batteries). Typically, to achieve this function, several DC/DC and/or AC/DC converters are used to interface the various sources and storage means, with a DC bus for example. This can affect the size and volume of the total system, as well as its efficiency and cost, which are burdened by the multiplicity of converters. In this context, the aim of this thesis is to design a common, galvanically isolated, multi-input power converter capable of interfacing and controlling several energy sources simultaneously.
The main challenge is to combine all these inputs into a single converter that is not simply an assembly or paralleling of elementary converters, but enables bidirectional power exchanges between reversible sources and non-reversible loads/sources. The chosen converter structure will be based on the results of the CNRS energy program entitled "Gestionnaire d'Énergie Multiports Embarqué - GEME" ("Embedded Multiport Energy Manager - GEME") led by IES, as well as work on converters specifically adapted for the CPV (PROMES) and ongoing work on multi-level structures with Grand Gap components (LAAS). The three laboratories will be pooling their experience in the development of high-power integrated converters, and the modeling and regulation of renewable energy sources (PV, CPV and management of interconnected sources, storage). The conversion structure studied, modeled and tested in this thesis will use a transformer structure with a topology identical to that of the GEME project, specifically developed for hydrogen fuel cells. The power sources to be connected, in particular PV, are intermittent in nature, so storage elements functioning as energy buffers are required 3,4,5 to ensure maximum continuity of operation. Their choice was made for a stationary conversion structure - connected housing or self-consumption - or mobile - electric vehicle in an eco-neighborhood. Batteries are one of the power sources naturally found in various mobility systems. Coupled with super- capacitors, they are used to transfer energy in a short time, i.e. when a high demand for power is required very quickly. The latter are used to relieve the battery pack from the stresses of peak power transfers, thanks to their greater efficiency in the face of cycling and sudden current variations.
Thus, the structure modeled, studied and optimized is a power converter with several inputs 6, 7 that will be able to interface and control several power inputs. It offers the advantages of low cost, high power density and high efficiency. The energy sources interfaced by our converter will be complementary: super-capacitors responding to power calls, photovoltaic panels supplying quasi-continuous power but subject to variations in illumination, and electrical machines when operating as generators (equivalent to the KERS system for cars or hydro-generators for marine). All this is done simultaneously. When operating hydro-generators, it may be possible to bypass the DC/AC converter to improve efficiency. An individual MPPT will be implemented for each renewable source. It will help to exploit each source to the best of its ability to maximize the system's power output.
In addition, the bi-directional converter 8,9,10,11 for super-capacitors and batteries will enable energy exchanges between the enabling sources and the output. A first prototype can be designed without the super-capacitors to validate the concept. The same sub-assembly as that controlling the batteries could then be used. Bibliographie : 1 T. Talbert, F. Thiery, D. Gachon, O. Fruchier, T. Martire, M. Petit, « Modelling a redefined architecture for concentrated photovoltaic power plant », International Conference on Event-Based Control, Communication and Signal Processing ; EBCCSP'2019, Vienne, Autriche. 2 M. Petit, T. Martiré, T. Talbert, « Global optimization of a high step- up DC-DC converter for CPV application », EPE'18 ECCE, Riga, Lettonie, 18-20 septembre 2018. 3 H. Fakham, D. Lu, and B. Francois, “Power control design of a battery charger in a hybrid active PV generator for load-following applications,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 85–94, Jan. 2011. 4 T. Hirose and H. Matsuo, “Standalone hybrid wind-solar power generation system applying dump power control without dump load,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 988–997, Feb. 2012 5 E. Duverger, C. Penin, P. Alexandre, F. Thiery, D. Gachon and T. Talbert, «Irradiance Forecasting for Microgrid Energy Management», ISGT Europe IEEE PES International Conference on Innovatire Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT Europe 2017), Turin, Italie , 2017 6 Neng Zhang, Danny Sutanto, Kashem M. Muttaqi, A review of topologies of three-port DC–DC converters for the integration of renewable energy and energy storage system, In Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 56, 2016, Pages 388-401 7 Zubair Rehman, IbrahimAl-Bahadly and Subhas Mukhopadhyay, “Multi - input DC-DC converters in renewable energy applications – An overview,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 41, pp. 521-539, Aug 2014. 8Hongfei Wu, Peng Xu, Haibing Hu, Zihu Zhou and Yan Xing, “Multiport Converters Based on Integration of Full-Bridge and Bidirectional DC-DC Topologies for Renewable Generation Systems,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 61, No. 2, Feb 2014. 9 I Chorfi, C Alonso, R Monthéard, T. Sutto "A GaN-based three-level dual active half bridge converter with active cancellation of the steady-state DC offset current" IECON 2022
RequirementsResearch Field
Education Level
PhD or equivalent
Research Field
Education Level
PhD or equivalent
Research Field
Education Level
PhD or equivalent
Research Field
Years of Research Experience
Research Field
Years of Research Experience
Research Field
Years of Research Experience
Additional Information
Additional comments
We are looking for a student who is able to model complex systems using conventional tools (MATLAB, SIMULINK, PLECS, COMSOL, LTSPICE) and who can develop new prototypes using CAD tools, then test them in a real electrical environment.
Website for additional job details
https: // emploi.cnrs.fr/Offres/Doctorant/UPR8001-CORALO-003/Default.aspx
Work Location(s)Number of offers available
Laboratoire d'analyse et d'architecture des systèmes
Where to apply
https: // emploi.cnrs.fr/Candidat/Offre/UPR8001-CORALO-003/Candidater.aspx
https:// www. laas.fr